So, Christmas is over and we still have 8 days before the big kids head back to school and 30 more days before the middle children head back. Will this track-off descend into chaos? No, no! Allen got everyone to write down three lists and fill in a schedule at the beginning of the vacation. List 1: What fun things to you want to do? List 2: What friends do you want to play with? List 3: What are your top requests for presents? He included a calendar on everybody's planning sheet so we could all sit down and see where playdates made sense, in the context of activities already scheduled.
Chaos doesn't stand a chance. My Flylady routines are finally sticking, helping me dig out from under the holidays. Everybody's expectations are a little broader and more sensible - Wii is not the only activity out there, and we can have fun in the space between our house walls and the big street up the hill.
So today, we have some friends over who've been abroad for the last 6 months. Just the kids, so I can clean around them and not feel guilty. Or post on my blog and not feel antisocial. I may even post some fun holiday pictures. :) Happy Track-Off!
Disneys Hollywood Studios
12 years ago